Important Notice: OSAP Inquiries
For privacy and security reasons, we cannot address personal financial information related to OSAP via email. To discuss your inquiry, please connect with us in person or by phone. We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring your information is managed securely.
For privacy and security reasons, we cannot address personal financial information related to OSAP via email. To discuss your inquiry, please connect with us in person or by phone. We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring your information is managed securely.
Keele Campus
For students enrolled at the Keele campus, contact Student Support & Advising for help with your York University OSAP application and aid funding.
Glendon Campus
For students enrolled at the Glendon campus, contact Glendon's Student Financial Services Office for help with your York University OSAP application and aid funding.
Technical Issues and Loan Inquiries
If you have technical difficulties with the online OSAP application, then consult the government OSAP website for assistance. Contact information for the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) is available on the government OSAP website.
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